Small video of the Carnac Tourist Office
The dolmens of Carnac

The megalithic site of Carnac, the most famous of the region, remains a Mecca of European Prehistory. It is classified as a historical monument since 1889.
The megaliths of Carnac are distinguished by their incredible alignment.
Built between the 5th and the 3rd millennium BC, the two main sites (Menec and Kermario) together alone nearly 3000 menhirs.
These alignments extend for almost 4 kilometers!
Menhirs, dolmens, tumuli and other remains bear witness to Neolithic architecture.
The alignments of Carnac are available for free visit from October to March. From April t
o September, only paid conference tours allow you to enter the sites.
But also its beaches, hiking trails ...
the five beaches of Carnac: are appreciated by all the family for their fine sand, their gentle slopes, their vivifying and limpid waters.
From the sea, to the countryside, through the megalithic sites, circuits of 7 to 15 km invite you to discover the treasures of the city.